Talent Acquisition - Pro Tip: PLEASE submit your resume in PDF form.

1 month in and 2.5 months to go, I figured it was time to update everyone on my progress! Almost every week, I've been lucky to be able to work on projects across all 5 functional areas that I identified; it's been interesting to be able to vary my work and get a well-rounded Human Resource Management (HRM) experience right off the bat in my internship. These past two weeks, a lot of my work has focused on what many people think of when they hear the term Human Resources: talent acquisition; therefore, this will be the focus of my first blog post! Of all the categories I identified, I probably have the most experience within talent acquisition. The summer after my sophomore year at Vanderbilt, I got the opportunity to intern for a company called CultureFit, a small IT staffing and recruiting company based out of my hometown in the Chicago suburbs. In this role I got broad exposure to the various facets of recruiting, especially culture-based sourcing and recruiting. However,...